Jacquie woke up on January 20, 2020 with a wild idea - to open a Refillery. She and her husband Andrew had no real experience in retail or what it meant to be an entrepreneur. They were both busy with their TV careers - Jacquie is a producer and Andrew, a director. But what sounded like a hair brained idea actually made all the sense in the world. If you really want to make change in the world, you need to stand up and do something. So that’s what we did. We had already begun going plastic-free in our lives and Jacquie had already been doing a lot of the research. She knew which products worked and which didn’t. She knew which suppliers were truly committed to the cause and which weren’t. Like any great producer, she’d been asking the right questions all along.
We opened March 1st, 2020 in a 200 sq. ft shed which at the time, was being used to store winter tires. There was no heat. No running water. Very few in our community knew what a Refillery was but people were excited. Ten days later the world was turned upside down.

The very first refillery in an old tire shed

206 Princess St. Kingston Location
We were forced to adapt quickly and we did. People took notice and with that, the movement we hoped to start transcended the four walls of that tiny little shed. On July 1st, moved into the best location on the main street in town.
Opening our first Refillery was a move of both necessity and desperation. We realized that many Refilleries were not practicing what they preach and simply discarding plastic waste. As such, we set out to build a business that is ethical, sustainable and truly as low waste as possible.
We opened the doors on The Keep Refillery Meaford in May, 2021 and The Keep Refillery Kingston in December, 2021.
It’s our goal to make refilling available to all people in all places …

206 Princess St. Kingston Location

You can put your trust in us. We have researched + tested every single product that we sell in our Refilleries. Because we are a "Mission First" operation, we ensure all our products actually work. If they didn't, we would run the risk of you not refilling! We ensure that all our suppliers are responsible for their containers. When you refill, we refill. We do not accept plastic packaging in any of our deliveries and for every online order we plant a tree to neutralize our carbon footprint.You can trust us. We genuinely CARE.
We practice kindness in everything we do. Our products are always cruelty-free, ethically made and our mission is simple - to take care of one another and this beautiful planet we call home.

It takes a village! Together, we can make our own change and be responsible for our own future. We're engaged with our local schools, and want to encourage the younger generation to only know this way of consuming. We want to create an army of change makers, young and old. Let's rid the world of single use plastic one community at a time. These are our parks, our rivers, our forests. This is our community and WE will take care of it. Imagine if every community had a plastic-free alternative like a Refillery? Imagine the change we could make!Wait for it.
Education & Accountability
We believe knowledge is power. We know our products inside and out and use every opportunity to educate, inspire and help people make good choices both inside the Refillery and out. Our approach to accountability is to share information that helps people change their way of consuming. Every decision we make comes with consequence and we spend a lot of time trying to make the right one! Whether your journey is just beginning or is well on its way, we hope when you leave our Refillery you walk away determined to make your own change. Once you know you can't un-know!

You can put your trust in us. We have researched + tested every single product that we sell in our Refilleries. Because we are a "Mission First" operation, we ensure all our products actually work. If they didn't, we would run the risk of you not refilling! We ensure that all our suppliers are responsible for their containers. When you refill, we refill. We do not accept plastic packaging in any of our deliveries and for every online order we plant a tree to neutralize our carbon footprint.You can trust us. We genuinely CARE.
We practice kindness in everything we do. Our products are always cruelty-free, ethically made and our mission is simple - to take care of one another and this beautiful planet we call home.

It takes a village! Together, we can make our own change and be responsible for our own future. We're engaged with our local schools, and want to encourage the younger generation to only know this way of consuming. We want to create an army of change makers, young and old. Let's rid the world of single use plastic one community at a time. These are our parks, our rivers, our forests. This is our community and WE will take care of it. Imagine if every community had a plastic-free alternative like a Refillery? Imagine the change we could make!Wait for it.
Education & Accountability
We believe knowledge is power. We know our products inside and out and use every opportunity to educate, inspire and help people make good choices both inside the Refillery and out. Our approach to accountability is to share information that helps people change their way of consuming. Every decision we make comes with consequence and we spend a lot of time trying to make the right one! Whether your journey is just beginning or is well on its way, we hope when you leave our Refillery you walk away determined to make your own change. Once you know you can't un-know!